I Don’t Wanna Be a Boss Babe.

As someone who has been a stay at home mom for over a decade, earning an income has not been at the forefront of my mind. I am insanely fortunate to have a husband who provides enough for our family that I haven’t had to work. He gave me the priceless gift of only needing to focus on my children.

So, unlike many, I have had the freedom to explore what my passions are, how I want to earn an income, and how quickly I need to find a job that marries those two things; passion and money. And I’ve gotten to do so at my leisure.

But the world is a mess, everything costs stupid amounts, and we are raising four boys. And if you know anything about boys, you know they eat. A lot. And groceries be costing wayyyy too much. But even so, the grind is so unappealing to me.

When I found pottery, it wasn’t my intention to dive into earning a living from it. I follow many potters who got into pottery to make money and they do really well. But they had to grind right out the gate to begin earning so quickly. That isn’t what I’ve felt called to do. My soul intention was to find something that I was excited to get up each day and do. And hopefully make shit cool enough that someone would come along and buy it. Definitely not very #bossbabe of me.

Our society glorifies the hustle. And that’s f*ckin’ great for those of you who are the go-go-go, do-do-do kinda people, but I am not one of those. Everything revolves around how I’m feeling. I’m a Pisces (as if that explains it all). But truly, I’m just built for the slow, head-in-the-clouds, what do we feel today, slow life. It’s what I desire. Ain’t no hustle here.

The thing I know, one thousand percent, in my gut, no doubt about it, is that I do not want to wake up one day, throwing the same mug a hundred times, glazing the same production pieces day in and day out, and lose my inspiration in doing so. I want to head into my studio, ask my soul what I’m feeling today, and create whatever the hell comes.

I’m a sap. Everything has to mean something to me. Every piece I make has to mean something to me or feel a certain way. I cannot just make shit to make money. That is just not the life I envision for myself.

I know I’ll be successful as a potter. I also know it’s gonna take me some time. And my number one goal throughout my journey is to not push myself to stress. Not try so hard to sell myself and my artwork that I get overwhelmed, overworked, and burnt out. It’s gonna be a slow burn, baby. With lots of breaks to explore the world outside of the monetary shackles we all wear, to slow down and enjoy my kids in each stage they’re growing into, to feel and to create and to just be.

We are not on this planet to just earn an income. And this route will undoubtedly take me longer to reach my goal of earning a living doing this, but it will undoubtedly feel better. Because, like I said, I’m all about how life feels. I want my life to feel breezy, and slow, and contented.

So, boss babe culture isn’t what you’re gonna find here. We like chill babe vibes. Cozy babe vibes. Artsy babe vibes. Happy babe vibes. Unstressed babe vibes.

I’m an #artbabe, not a #bossbabe.


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